
  • TPC Admin wrote a new post 3 years, 8 months ago

    by Tatayana, BSW Intern

    I think 99% of individuals dislike ice breakers, but I have quite a fondness for them, not only because I get to gain a little insight about the individuals that I am meeting, but […]

  • Hi Tiffany,

    Welcome to The Pain Community. I understand that for some talking about the pain constantly can make life harder to do with. It’s like you start to sink in the depths of depression and it is hard to fight one’s way out. It can be helpful to share with others who do truly understand. We can support each other and share what has helped…[Read more]

  • by Carolyn Noel, Webmaster, The Pain Community

    I recently read an article, Does Chronic Pain Lead to Hoarding?, the photo with the article caught my eye. I lived next door for five years to a hoarder and I know […]

  • by Cindy Leyland, Director of Affiliate Relations, The Pain Community

    Fifty years ago this winter, I spent a month at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. I had lived with severe asthma 11 of the 12 y […]

  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration believes a mobile app could help people with terrifying nightmares.

    The federal agency has approved the NightWare system as a form of treatment for PTSD patients.
    NightWare is only available for Apple Watches.

    It allows clinicians to monitor patients who suffer from traumatic nightmares, which have been…[Read more]

  • Welcome to TPC, if we can help you find your way around the site please let us know.

    TPC YaYa
    TPC Community Moderator

    “The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.”

  • FloresDavid,

    It is nice to meet you. If we can help you find your way around the site please let us know.

    TPC Yaya
    TPC Community Moderator

    “The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.”

  • Hi,

    I am sorry to hear all you have been through. I took care of my in-laws and after my mother in law passed we had to move my father in law in with us. He had a few health issues but nothing major. He did not want to do anything but sit and watch tv and sleep. It got to the point that he could hardly walk and was falling a good bit.

    His…[Read more]

  • Kelly65,

    I am sorry to hear all of this. Living with pain is hard and sometimes those around us don’t understand. Feeling isolated is one of the big things that we live with on our journey of pain.

    I will be here for you all that I can if you like.

    Gentle hugs

  • Clementine,

    Can you maybe go see a primary care doctor, that can maybe order a group of tests to find the answer that you need. I do hope you are able to find the help that you need.


  • Hi,
    Living with chronic pain and illness is hard, it is lonely and so much more. I started my pain journey when I was 24 years old, it took 3 years to get the right diagnosis, so don’t give up on getting to the right dx.

    Pain changes our lives and sometimes the people around us. The forums here on The Pain Community website is good place to talk…[Read more]

  • Americans who are unable to work due to physical or mental impairments may be eligible for one of two kinds of benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). […]

  • Facing surgery is daunting for anyone. What may be considered simple by some is nerve racking none the less. As a new experience, an operation comes with fears of both the known and the unknown.  As a nurse […]

  • Feeling alone, sad, and lost without a sense of direction is not an unfamiliar experience for anyone.  These feelings (even when surrounded by family, friends, co-workers and others) are not uncommon when living […]

  • TPC Admin wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Submitted by a Member of The Pain Community.

    Since the CDC issued the opioid guidelines back in 2016, they have not only done extreme damage to the chronic pain and chronic illness communities, they have made […]

  • TPC Admin wrote a new post 5 years, 1 month ago

    Written by TPC Community Member

    It is now nearing 30 years since this pain journey started for me. Seems as though that was a lifetime ago.

    My pain started out to be manageable and daily life went on. As […]

  • TPC Admin wrote a new post 5 years, 3 months ago

    This questionnaire will be collecting data for the study on the relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain in patients diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). It aims to find out what treatments, actions and […]

  • September is Pain Awareness Month.
    The Pain Community wants to hear about your journey with pain and pain management. We want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. The Pain Community will share anonymous snippets of your stories on social media to help bring awareness about living with pain. #tellyourstory

    Send your stories to,…[Read more]

  • DavidM, I am sorry you also suffer. I read this blog and it made me so angry and then so sad. I too live with pain and many of the same issues the writer of this blog and you have. It isn’t right the way we are […]

  • TPC feels one of our responsibilities to the pain community is to keep up to date on what is being used for pain relief and provide the best information available.Learning that there are ongoing conversations on […]

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