Photo Courtesy of Cinelou Films

Finally, Hollywood is talking about chronic pain. Or is it? Coming Soon—January 23, 2015, Cake will be showing in theaters. Jennifer Aniston is receiving accolades for her portrayal of a woman battling the demons of ongoing pain from an accident and the suicide of a fellow support [pain] group member. Critics are remarking with praise about her portrayal–plain looks, acerbic yet humorous personality and physicality. This movie is rated R for language, substance abuse and brief nudity. It is a comedy, drama.

Those of us in the pain world have an important role to play. I urge each of us, whether living with pain, caring for someone in pain or providing healthcare support to others with pain to get out and watch this movie. We have a unique perspective and our impressions of this production are critical. Did Aniston get it right? Do the supporting characters accurately reflect of our society’s reaction to pain or merely a caricature? Will we find the writers, producers and director enlightened or ones who “drank from the Kool Aid well “of myths and misconceptions about the plight of people living with pain? Is the movie really about pain or substance abuse or both?

Will Cake satisfy our collective sweet tooth or escalate further decay? Watch for showings in your area. Be a member of the movie audience and share your impressions after the show.

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