Diet for Chronic Pain

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    • #129890

      Greetings everyone,

      Has anyone out there tried eating foods that purport to lessen inflammation or pain? How have they worked for you? I have found several websites devoted to this and am going to go on a regimen of following a few of these. I may even start a blog with giving the results of how this works out for me. Let me know if you are interested.


      TCP Opa

      TPC Community Moderator
      “The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.”

    • #129915


      I had a rheumatologist once tell me about what she called the, “Mediterranean diet” because of my Rheumatoid Arthritis.
      She said to eat foods like fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and use olive oil and that these foods help lower inflammation and can help us have less joint pain and morning stiffness. I have never strictly followed this diet but I also have never really noticed any food that has helped lowering my inflammation.
      It will be interesting to see how it works for you.

      Take care

    • #421069

      Clinical observations of patients with chronic pain who require opioid treatment support the scientific research and the adverse effects of pain and opioids on the endocrine–nutrition systems.1-9 In order to evaluate a patient’s nutritional status, I use a 72-hour “Food and Drink Recall Diary” form with new patients with chronic pain (see Table 3). Over the 3-day period just prior to admission, new patients almost always report a gross deficiency of protein intake. Protein foods, defined here as food with more than 50% protein by weight, such as fish, beef, poultry, lamb, eggs, or cottage cheese, are rarely eaten. Green vegetables such as beans, broccoli, or brussels sprouts, which contain about 30% protein, also are conspicuously absent from their diet. About the only protein some patients ingest is milk.

    • #424578

      I’ve been avoiding ‘night shade family’ vegetables (bell peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.) and now find that when I do eat them I get more fatigue and moving around becomes noticeably painful.

      It is a reminder to stick to my salads, steamed broccoli and lean protein sources like beans, fish and poultry.

      Managing my own diet is like running a science experiment for an N of 1.

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