Active 9 years, 2 months ago-
Micke Brown, BSN, RN wrote a new post 9 years, 7 months ago
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Welcome to The Pain Community 9 years, 7 months ago
I am so happy you wrote on the forum and shared snip-its of the struggles you are experiencing with your pain journey. There are others like you who will help both here and in the chat room. We meet every M, W, F from 11am-12noon ET. Please join us and we can share real-time—help answer any questions you may have AND listen to your…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN commented on the post, I Am Not a Criminal! 9 years, 8 months ago
Criminal are like the people who looted and burned the new CVS in West Baltimore last night–stealing prescription medications and access for the community poor who now no longer have that service within walking […]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago
….and we only need 275 new members to reach 1000 TPC members………got any friends, family or patients who might like some online support 24/7??
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to our newest members. The sun is shining and its warm outside where I live today. Seeing your names in our member list has taken that sunshine and warmth to a higher level. I am smiling.
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic What would you say to providers about your pain in the forum General Discussions on Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
I would like them to know that when someone reports having pain, not to automatically jump to:
1. That person is drug seeking (when they are most likely relief seeking)
2. That opioids should be automatically prescribed (they may or may not be one of the treatment options to consider)Most of all: Listen, listen, listen–clues on what might be…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Chronic Pain Survey in the forum General Discussions on Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
Please avoid using the term “narcotic” as that is a law enforcement term that includes both licit and illicit substances. Opioids, opiates or opioid pain relievers are the more appropriate medical terms. We, in the pain field, have been working for over 2 decades to correct this terminology. I know as a future pain educator, you want to get this…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Arthritis/Siatica in the forum Arthritis Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
What is your doctor’s reason? Is there concern about the acetaminophen exposure or the hydrocodone? Last summer 2014, combination hydrocodone + acetaminophen was up-scheduled by the DEA to class 2 (from class 3) which means it can no longer be refilled or called in to the pharmacy as was done before; it has to follow the same rules as the other…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN commented on the post, When Opioid Pain Medication Is Needed To Help Manage Your Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
Wise counsel, CW. It is so important to surround yourself with others who are supportive and positive–they see and encourage you when your pain care is improving your life and are honest with you should they see […]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago
Just enjoyed a most pleasant hour on a Pain Connections support conference call with 12 other interesting folks with pain. I am so honored to be a guest moderator for Gwenn–this is the third time and I always learn so much. Teresa, all I can say is that YOU ROCK!!
Micke Brown, BSN, RN wrote a new post 9 years, 9 months ago
A blog written by Charlie P. Reznikoff, MD was shared by Medscape on March 16, 2015 titled 10 Scripts Never to Write. It gave me pause, enough so that I shared it with respected colleagues in the pain management […]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago
OKAY, OKAY! Friday is the first day of Spring (FINALLY) and it is calling for 2-4 inches of snow where I live……….REALLY?
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted a new activity comment 9 years, 9 months ago
I have heard of this condition; I was once an OB nurse. Did you have big babies or have you ever been told you were “double jointed” in your younger years? Are you working with a medical team to help lessen your discomfort? I am thinking that some of our EDS members may have some wisdom to share as they deal with joint dislocation all the time.
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Medication interactions and warnings in the forum Treatment Options for Pain 9 years, 9 months ago
The FDA has a nice resource to review: http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm096386.htm; you can sign up for updates. There is also a PDF version of a consumer brochure: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/EnsuringSafeUseofMedicine/GeneralUseofMedicine/UCM229033.pdf.
Happy Reading.…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Water therapy in the forum Treatment Options for Pain 9 years, 9 months ago
Sadly, I am not surprised. We have a long way to go until the medical community (as well as the insurance industry) learns more about and promotes multi-modality, patient-centered, relationship focused pain care. It sounds like the physicians you spoke with are not practicing nor supporting integrative medicine.
Micke Brown, BSN, RN posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago
Please do keep in touch. Why don’t you join our chat room and talk with the others who have experience pain over the years. They may have some insight. We are there every M, W, F from 11am-12pm ET. Have you met with a pain specialist who understands neuropathic pain? I also wonder if using castor oil may help. See…[Read more]
Dear Micke:
Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions. I will try to join the chat room though it is 1AM-2AM at local time here.
But in the case castor oil, I’m a bit hesitant to use it because I heard the oil has a unique smell and as you understand I am vulnerable to almost all kinds of smell.(I will have to apply the oil into the…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Non-medication Interventions for Breakthrough Pain in the forum General Discussions on Pain 9 years, 10 months ago
I recently found myself nursing (pun intended) back pain that caused heel pain when standing & walking (most likely a back strain involving L5-S1 and or my SI joint). I am a big fan of thermal techniques, so I started with wearing a Tiger Balm patch during the day and switching to my heating pad at night. NSAID’s helped a tad plus stretching more,…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Non-medication Interventions for Breakthrough Pain in the forum General Discussions on Pain 9 years, 10 months ago
I recently found myself nursing (pun intended) back pain that caused heel pain when standing & walking (most likely a back strain involving L5-S1 and or my SI joint). I am a big fan of thermal techniques, so I started with wearing a Tiger Balm patch during the day and switching to my heating pad at night. NSAID’s helped a tad plus stretching more,…[Read more]
Micke Brown, BSN, RN replied to the topic Need help! Chronic neuropathic pain after ENT op w. unique causes of aggravation in the forum General Discussions on Pain 9 years, 10 months ago
SHBAE45: I have not seen this type of case, however, it does not sound far fetched either. I was wondering if instilling viscous lidocaine might help. What happens with cold temperatures? You might ask this question to the American Association of Pain Management, American Pain Society or the American Association of Pain Medicine where members are…[Read more]
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