Finding our own spirituality

Home Page Forums Spirituality & Pain Finding our own spirituality

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    • #4619

      I feel that we each find our own spirituality and how we deal with our pain. It may not be the same as others but that is ok. We are each so unique in how the pain affects our lives in whole.

    • #22151

      I used to enjoy going to church to be with the people. The sense of community and seeing familiar faces. Thinking back on it I believe that the pews were too uncomfortable to sit there for a full hour. Sometimes I would leave because the church was so full and nobody would give up their seat for this person with an invisible disability.

      I feel now that my spirit is supported and strengthened by the quiet moments of reflection, the love of friends and family and the ability to get out to marvel at the nature around me.

      I will accompany friends or family to their place of worship occasionally now. Easier when they are with me to help me to take care. True community in action, right?

    • #23870

      I grew up going to church and for many years after I left home I continued to go. I moved to another state and for many different reasons stopped attending church on Sundays. With that being said, I do feel that my spirit is fulfilled in a different way now. I still have all the beliefs I held as a child growing up in church the only difference is how I take care of those beliefs and fulfill my need for spirituality.


    • #25642

      December and January is that time of year when people of many different faiths celebrate. So many opportunities to join groups in houses of worship. I just want to say that it is okay to go and okay to skip. Just make sure your physical comfort/support is addressed to keep your pain managed while pursuing your spiritual needs of community and fellowship.

      In addition Christian Christmas and Jewish Hanukkah, there are Shinto, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist holidays in the first couple of weeks of January. The Baha’i faith celebrates World Religion Day January 17, 2016.

      A great resource for tracking holidays is

    • #422063

      Nice post and thanks for sharing.

    • #439396

      Spirituality is something which is food for your soul, it is important or it will thrive.

      Ready To Wear Beauty

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