Reply To: Welcome!

Home Page Forums Welcome to The Pain Community Welcome! Reply To: Welcome!


Hello William, EmilySpeaks and KSouth,

I am sorry it has taken me so long to welcome you to the community. I have been dealing with my pain issues, you know how it is.

I want to welcome you and share with you that the support I have gotten here at The Pain Community is wonderful. The discussion boards are not real active right now but their Facebook page is, here is the link;

Also they have hosted live chats on Monday-Wednesday-Friday at 11am ET and on Thursday nights at 7:30pm ET.

They also have these wonderful phone support calls. The calls are 4 times a month always on Tuesday and the time varies every other week. The next call is on Tuesday, August 16th at 1:00pm. You do not have to register and there is no charge to join the calls and the calls are open discussion so everyone gets to share if they like. The call in info is,
Call in number: 712-775-7031 Passcode: 491-268-096 and press the # key. I love these calls, so much support and they are also fun. The folks who call in are so helpful and supportive and it feels more like old friends chatting on the phone. I do hope you will give the calls and chats a try.

This link tells you more about the calls.

Take care,
