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Hi Doug,

With chronic back pain and conditions the way we sit can impact us. After reading your post I decided to do a little research and I found something on Amazon that may be what you are looking for.
It says “When your posture starts to slip, the device vibrates to remind you to straighten up.”

It is called the:
Upright GO Posture Trainer and Corrector for Back | Strapless, Discrete, Easy to Use | Complete with App and Training Plan | Back Health Benefits and Confidence Builder | Improved Posture in No Time

Here is the link for you.

If you go with this please do come back and let us know if it worked for you.

In the meantime, we want to invite you to check out our support calls every Tuesday. It is a great place to bounce idea’s off of others who live with pain and know what the journey is all about. It is also a great place to make new friends and get the support that is so important for those living with pain. Here is a link with the info and the schedule.

TPC Outreach Support Conference Calls

Take care,

TPC Community Moderator

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