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FINALLY bd got his computer fixed. I told him not to mess with it but he didn’t listen. Oh well he’s old and befuddled so I let things slide. The shrimp boats have been going out again. The little boat across from us has been cleaning their last catch at the dock early in the morning. They pull out the shrimp and throw the “junk” small fish overboard. Normally the seagulls would fight the pelicans for their share. Lately the dolphins have been following the boat in. Bd and I sit on the fore-deck and watch them over morning coffee. The other day there were at least 12 of them the birds didn’t get any fish. Ha ha stupid birds.
After a year aboard I too have settled in. I like bd being here all the time. I had more room in N. Carolina but bd spent to much time out of the house. Now he’s aboard most of the time.
Ms. kitty