Reply To: Enjoyed the Conference Call Today

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Hi Terri,

It was wonderful to meet and talk with you on the support conference call. Many of the calls do go to the two hour mark and sometimes beyond that.
Here at, The Pain Community (TPC) we understand that for many who join the calls they do so because they need to hear friendly and caring voices who understand the journey of pain. They need to hear the raw emotions and compassion in the voices on the calls. For that reason we do not set an end time for the calls.
We hope that you will be able to join us each week for the calls.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, June 19th at 1pm ET, 12pm CT, 11am MT and 10am PT.

If you do not have the schedule yet you can find it at this link;

If you have any questions please send me an email to,

Take care,

TPC Yaya
TPC Community Moderator

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