
  • Micke Brown, BSN, RN wrote a new post 9 years, 7 months ago

    ThumbnailI find this topic of conversation comes up a lot, especially for those who live with pain. Sleep. Will I find a comfortable position? Will I fall asleep tonight? Will I be able to sleep in my bed or will I resort […]

    • For me it is always the fetal position and I have to lay on my left side due to the pain in my back and neck. I don’t change positions in my sleep like some folks are able to do. I can fall to sleep easily but each night it is the same routine. Go to sleep, wake up within 2 hours. Go back to sleep (if it is a good night) and wake up within an hour or so. This goes on all night, sleep a little, wake up for a while, sleep a little, wake up. The really bad nights are the one’s I dread. Those are the nights where the pain does not allow me to sleep longer than a 1/2 hour or so and I lay there wide awake for hours at a time.

    • Me I sleep on my Left side in a pretty tight fetal position. I roll over onto Right side and onto back frequently during the night due to pain that wakes me up. A good night is to fall asleep in one position and wake up 5-6 hours later in same position. that is when I say “thank you God for a good night!” I also deal with restless leg syndrome. Some night no problem, legs are relaxed and allow me to sleep. But other nights about 6 or more nights per month – I can not get them to cooperate…they are moving all night and I find that sleep is not going to happen so that is when I get some good movies out and just vicariously sail off into another life.
      In the past year I have had a real problem with sleep cycle due to changes in pain characteristics and also pain intensity. there were weeks that I had but 2-3 hours sleep per night. But I now have a sleep medication and pain meds that help to make night time something to look forward to and not dread.
      Turning down the lights early in the evening helps with my sleep hygiene. Doing a Gratitude journal before bed is also helpful. and a note pad near the bed helps when my mind starts racing…I sit up get the pad, write everything down that is pouring out of my brain…then I can settle down and sleep. it is on paper…sometimes I read it in the morning but mostly I ignore it.
      My favorite pillow is a contour memory foam pillow. since getting hooked on that about 10 years ago I no longer wake up with neck aches. I could not afford a memory foam mattress so I bought a 3 inch memory foam topper and I love it. Like sleeping in a cloud.
      Noki4, sleepless nights are the pits. Glad I do not have them too frequently.
      And Naps are my favorite thing in all the world. do not get them often but there is nothing like laying down in the middle of the day and catching an hour nap!! My motto…”when all else fails, take a nap”