Carolyn Noel

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    • #235567
      Carolyn Noel

      Hi Alpha Mode,

      I don’t know about the yoga piece of your question, but laughter definitely helps me. I can be having a terrible day and I force myself to go to my ladies group. We laugh, we cry, we support and encourage each other. During that hour, I forget about the pain for a while and the laughter especially helps me feel better–at least for a while.

      It’s obviously not permanent, but it provides some temporary relief — and my spirits are lifted as well.

    • #235566
      Carolyn Noel

      If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last 16 years is that everyone is different. I know many people who benefit from opioids for their pain and others for whom it helps very little or not at all. Same goes for surgery and every other treatment out there that I’ve tried.

      I’ve met very few people who could name just one cause or type of pain. Chronic pain is a complex disease and needs complex treatment.

      The best advice I can give is to not give up and be open to trying different treatments (not sure I’d include surgery in the list as I don’t know many who have been helped once the pain was chronic) — even trying something that didn’t work before.

      An example is that early in my journey, my pain was so out of control that when I tried massage it didn’t help. Years later, it’s the thing that got me out of my wheelchair and walking again — but — it wasn’t the only thing that I did. I combined it with other things that helped until I found the right balance that worked for me.

    • #10484
      Carolyn Noel

    • #10482
      Carolyn Noel

    • #4805
      Carolyn Noel

      Hi gosiatracz6,

      Welcome to TPC! I’m so glad you found us and thank you for being a good caregiver for your husband. As someone who lives with pain, I can tell you that it’s really important to have a good support system.

      I can tell you from personal experience that massage really helped me to be able to get out of my wheelchair and walk again. I think that every person has to find the right combination of treatments that works for them. Each situation is so different and complicated, but it helped me to keep a pain journal and write down the levels of pain. how much sleep I was getting, what kind of treatments I had that day/week, etc. and how much physical activity I’ve participated in. A journal helped me really see what things were helping and which weren’t.

      Thanks for all you are doing for your hubby.


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