Sleeping position causing back pain

Home Page Forums General Discussions on Pain Sleeping position causing back pain


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    • #437489
      Kyle Walker

      I am rather new to CPAP, about 3 months, and really learned a lot from this forum. I’ve been doing some research on how to sleep better or what’s a better sleeping position to lessen my apnea. Over the past several days I have begun having severe backache when I woke up after 5 or 6 hours on the CPAP machine and my sleep time is reducing as the backaches are coming sooner.
      I think that my sleep position is causing me backache. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for this?
      I do like the fact that the sleep apnea mask has helped me in not falling asleep in front of the computer while waiting for data to refresh. which I could do easily before using the mask. It has given me more energy as I don’t need an afternoon snooze as I did before.


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