Pain will not rain on my parade

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    • #5859

      Hi, I know, tacky title, but as a former high school color guard captain, I can tell you, I wished it wouldn’t rain on my parade. Marching in wet socks and heavy boots is not a lot of fun while trying to finger the Star Spangled Banner on a piccolo.

      I like to joke, laugh, tease, and my all-time favorite is to write and design puns. I thankfully have found SMITH Magazine,, back in Sept 2010 and have been an avid writer since. It keeps me connected in a positive fashion and allows me to be myself.

      I am dealing with Fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, brachial neuritis, cervical radiculopathy, many procedures, scheduled for my third neuromodulation (Spinal Cord Stimulator) coming up in two weeks. Also have sciatica, tarsal tunnel syndrome bilaterally, and a host of other really painful conditions. Ice is my friend. Braces and supports are my friends. Supportive professionals and friends are my network until now when I decided I needed to branch out even further.

      Would love to join the chats and will put it on my calendars and attend when am able. Looking forward to a lot of laughs, a lot of tears, and a full box of Kleenex. Today’s six word memoir I wrote was: “Elevator stuck again. I’m becoming unglued.” Enjoy!

      In good health,


    • #5864

      I like the title. Best of luck with the procedure coming up. I love chats and the people who go there, it is a great way to start the day.

      I hope to see ya there


      • #7462

        Thank for the well wishes on my upcoming procedure. Made it through this far with the other two and both have gone fairly well and I so admire the device rep I specifically worked with. Know I am in good hands. And in good company here. Sorry couldn’t make this morning’s chat as the chatter in my own head precluded me from remembering. More later as I am currently house sitting and awaiting an important medical callback. Best to you for getting through the day best you can!!!

        P.s. one of today’s six word memoirs I wrote was: “Humidity’s hindrance. Hairline: sweatshop at beauticians.” And the other day,”Gave heat index the middle finger.”


    • #6985

      My wish for you is that the third time is a charm for your and your new stimulator! I love your alias—may your dreams pass thru and your nightmares become prisoners of the ether.

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