Fibromyalgia: A Simple Step by Step Breakdown: Natural Treatment Protocols

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      Fibromyalgia: A Simple Step by Step Breakdown: Natural Treatment Protocols toward Ultimate Remission

      My Story
      Pain can change a person. At the beginning of my medical career I used to be a very active, positive and joyful individual. I thrived through happy relationships with family and friends. I was passionately dedicated to spending long hours cultivating health among my amazing patients within my private practice.
      Then one beautiful summer morning while I was stopped at a red light, I was struck by a distracted driver who was speeding while on his cell phone. A year of the worst pain I’d ever experienced followed. These dark days consisted of a concussion followed by post-concussion syndrome; herniated spinal discs that impinged the nerve roots in my neck and sent shooting pain into my back; a broken right hand with ligament tears; and a muscle tear in my right knee that caused instability and swelling. The whiplash, combined with the brain injury created nausea, mood changes and irrational anxiety and severely negative thought cycles.
      I began pharmaceuticals immediately. I saw the best therapists, doctors and specialists; doing everything I could to expedite my healing.
      One year later, my energy was at an all time low, while my pain was at an all time high. At this point even walking down the aisle at the grocery store became unbearable. I had constant stiffness and pain in my joints. My mood alternated between angry and sad. I was overweight and unable to shed the pounds. I even developed irritable bowel disease.
      Most significantly, at any point I felt like I would lose my mind having to endure the constant burning in my back and sore tender muscles throughout my body. I could not tolerate exercise, let alone engage mentally, physically and emotionally in my relationships or career. My mind was foggy and I became unrecognizably pessimistic. I did not connect with my romantic partner. Worst of all, I could not stand to be touched-even a hug would send me spiralling in pain.
      My family doctor then confirmed a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Years later I often see fibromyalgia onset in patients who have a history of car accidents or other forms of sudden and intense stress in their lives.
      During one of the many nights of frequent insomnia, in between tears of painful discomfort and frustration, I vowed to find an effective and alternative treatment protocol to target Fibromyalgia and return the body and mind to functional health.
      Throughout this text, we will focus on getting rid of pain, clearing the “brain fog”; losing weight, gastrointestinal health as well as, boosting energy and mood. I hope the contents in this text will help demystify the illness and help you heal and progress to remission from fibromyalgia.
      This book will provide an effective fibromyalgia protocol that has taken many years of clinical practice and self-care to fine tune. It has helped not only me, but many patients too. Included here, you will find key naturopathic fibromyalgia treatment protocols. This book will also include details on blood work, supplements, acupuncture points, dietary interventions and much more.
      The information presented is used daily within my integrative medical practice and can be fine tuned to fit your symptoms, lifestyle and physical abilities. I hope you will also share the information presented here with your health care practitioner. It is purposeful in targeting the root cause of fibromyalgic illness and treating the whole person, not only the individual symptoms.
      It is my goal here to arm each fibromyalgia patient with an easy arsenal of evidence based medical treatment options with which we can target flare ups, as well as completely eradicate fibromyalgia syndrome. –Earth Doctor
      If you are tired of suffering from chronic pain and fatigue….This book is for you.
      Fibromyalgia now affects up to 8% of the population. Despite increased recognition of this disabling and chronic condition, it has been estimated that millions of sufferers are still undiagnosed.
      If you are stressed from struggling to legitimize a diagnosis and garner support through the health care system…This book is for you.
      We will take an in-depth look at current scientific research surrounding fibromyalgia syndrome.
      We will simplify the medical jargon into a language that makes it easy to understand, what truly causes fibromyalgia.
      We will explore the challenges of diagnosing this disease.
      We will clear up any barriers that make it difficult to differentiate this illness from others, which present similarly.
      If you are frustrated by the lack of power you have over your fibromyalgia syndrome…This book is for you.
      We will begin with a thorough explanation of the recommended blood work and laboratory tests you should to talk to your doctor about.
      We will focus on getting rid of pain, clearing the “brain fog”; losing weight, and healing our gut, while boosting energy and mood.
      We will discuss what vitamins, herbs, supplements and pharmaceuticals are beneficial for thyroid and adrenal health; as well as pain and energy.
      We will touch on the mental health challenges we face when battling fibromyalgia; with new initiatives for balancing our stress hormone, cortisol.
      The knowledge presented to here is purposeful, specific and aimed to target the root cause of fibromyalgic illness. This book will give you agency over your fibromyalgia syndrome through a profound, new understanding of this disease.
      If you are trying to access simplified and current, scientific research…This book is for you.
      We have put forth a simple to understand, comprehensive and multi-faceted Naturopathic Medicine Fibromyalgia Protocol here. This book will provide the most up-to date research in natural medical treatments.
      This is the holy-grail fibromyalgia book because it includes:
      -Specific doses of evidence-based natural medicines.
      -A detailed Gut Health Guide for fibromyalgia patients who also suffer from gastrointestinal issues, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
      -An individualized Diet Plan, which includes precise options of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
      -Research-supported physical therapy and exercises specifically for fibromyalgia patients. Many of which you can do from the comfort of your home!
      -A Traditional Chinese Medicine Fibromyalgia Acupuncture Guide. This guide summarizes effective acupuncture point selections which have been compiled through extensive research and clinical practice.
      It is my ultimate goal to arm each fibromyalgia patient with an arsenal of easy, evidence-based, medical treatment options. The time has come to finally find reprieve from this crippling disease and shout F*CK fibromyalgia!
      -Earth Doctor

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