Does Laughter Yoga Help With Pain

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    • #228007
      Alpha Mode

      While browsing through the list of natural ways to deal with back pain, I came across an article that says laughter yoga can also help with this pain.
      I don’t even know there was something called laughter yoga. But if you know something like this, can you please tell me more about its effectiveness.

    • #235564

      Hi Alpha Mode,

      This is something that I have not heard much about. I will look into it and see what research that I can come with and get back to you as soon as possible.

      Take care,

      TPC YaYa
      TPC Community Moderator

      “The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.”

    • #235567
      Carolyn Noel

      Hi Alpha Mode,

      I don’t know about the yoga piece of your question, but laughter definitely helps me. I can be having a terrible day and I force myself to go to my ladies group. We laugh, we cry, we support and encourage each other. During that hour, I forget about the pain for a while and the laughter especially helps me feel better–at least for a while.

      It’s obviously not permanent, but it provides some temporary relief — and my spirits are lifted as well.

    • #424577

      Laughter definitely helps me to deal with pain. Sometimes when I’m doing yoga I look around an laugh at how much different I seem to be moving than some of the others around me despite decades of doing yoga. I’ve never been to a laughter yoga class. I should add it to the list of things to be on the look out for near my home.

    • #437482

      Laughter definitely helps with pain, there are many examples of scientific research, and yoga helps to be aware and control your body.

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