Dissertation: Looking to support teens with chronic pain!

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      Hi everyone!
      I am a psychology doctoral student at the University of Connecticut looking to recruit high school-aged teens for a Pain Coping Skills class.
      Study Title: The Effectiveness of a Brief Acceptance and Commitment Training program on Adolescent Chronic Pain and Psychological Flexibility
      The purpose of this study is to determine if a Pain Coping Skills class helps high school students with chronic pain and psychological flexibility. We also want to see if students perceive the study as helpful and a good fit for a brief, virtual intervention.
      Participants will be asked to:
      • Complete bi-weekly surveys to understand their ability to adjust their behavior to challenges, how pain interferes with their daily life, and how they choose to accept or not accept chronic pain
      • Participate in three weekly sessions where the interventionist and the student will work on determining the difference between pain control versus pain acceptance, considering how to pay attention to thoughts without letting them control our actions, determining our values, setting and committing to goals in line with our values
      • Complete a survey asking how much they liked or disliked the intervention and if they felt like the intervention fit for a brief, virtual intervention
      To join, the student must be aged 14 to 18, enrolled in High School, have pain that has persisted for 3 months or more, report English as your primary language, demonstrate being psychosocially and physically impacted by chronic pain, and must not be enrolled in a behavioral pain intervention.
      Based on previous research, the possible benefits of participation are that participation may improve your ability to adjust your behavior to challenges and to commit to meaningful actions despite chronic pain. It also may decrease the interference of pain in your daily life.
      To learn more about this research, please feel free to contact me at Brenna.Fitzmaurice@UConn.edu. This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Melissa Bray of the UConn School Psychology Department.

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