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Working on the mast is incredibly hard. All the preliminary tasks were done from a ladder that you can see in a pic posted earlier. For the final installation a dock mate hoisted me up in a “bosn’s chair”. That was a big help because it left both hands free to work. Timing was important to take advantage of light winds and low boat traffic. As you get higher up the mast the distance traveled when the boat rocks in the waves increases. What on deck is a slight movement might move me through a 6 or 7 foot swing.
Also to access the wiring inside the cabin meant ripping the bathroom apart. I’ll post before and after pics in the next day or two.
The project was a great one to cross of the list but it left me exhausted. My next project is to re-bed (caulk) where the shrouds and stays (the wires that hold up the mast) go through the deck. A few have minor leaks and it will be nice to have it done.