Reply To: The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True

Home Page Forums General Discussions on Pain The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True Reply To: The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True


Your journey entry floods images through my mind of you in pain and my heart cries for you and others on this pain journey. I share this with you because I want you to know what a huge impact your writing has on me and others.
We have been traveling this pain road together for many years now. We have learned from each other and stood silently by ready to grab that rope and hang on tight to help each other climb over the wall of pain. Now we have begun a new journey to share the untold side of pain through your writings and it will help others. We may have to change course a few times but the sails will rise again and the journey will continue.

Much love and Gentle hugs