Reply To: Welcome!

Home Page Forums Welcome to The Pain Community Welcome! Reply To: Welcome!


Hello Sarah4108,

It is nice to meet you, welcome to The Pain Community. I see that Noki4 mentioned the other resources that we have here on the website.

Our chats are at 11am ET on Monday – Wednesday – Friday and at 7:30pm ET on Thursday night.

The outreach support conference calls are 4 times a month and they are on Tuesdays.
The link below has more information regarding the support calls. We will be having one tomorrow,
November 15th at 1pm ET. You do not have to register, just call this number at the correct time.
Call in number: 712-775-7031 Passcode: 491-268-096 and press the # key.

If you have questions you can ask here or you can email,

If I can help you in anyway please let me know.

TPC Community Moderator

“The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.”

TPC Outreach Support Conference Calls