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Home Page Forums Welcome to The Pain Community Introduction- Reply To: Introduction-


Hi Tndrft001,

Thank you for starting a thread where folks can introduce themselves. For some folks coming to a forum is a little scary. I hope to see others join us here on this topic and on the others.

I was 24 yrs old when my pain issues started. I was the mom of three young girls. It took several years of me going from one healthcare provider to another to find out what was happening.

I have a very progressive form of degenerative joint disease. At the age of 24, I was told I had the back of a 60 yr old. Not what someone in their 20’s want to hear. Over the years as most of us know who live with pain, we add things on as the years go by. I have RA, OA, Sjogren’s syndrome, sciatica, neuropathy, spinal stenosis and the list goes on.

I find it easier to deal with this journey of pain for me by reaching out to others.

I would love to meet others here at TPC, one can not ever have too many friends 🙂

Keep your chin up and stay active is my motto!
