Reply To: The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True

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It’s been a long week. The hurricane passed to the east of us. That left us on the safe side. The winds were from the north and sucked the water out of the bayou rather than the big storm surge on the eastern side. My family on the dock had already talked about storms. Wednesday we went over basic plans and started doubling up on dock lines. At that point it looked as if it was going to make landfall here.
Thursday we spent lashing and packing for evacuation if we needed to go. By That time we knew the storm was headed more to the east. I set up Ms. Kitty’s carrier and she crawled into it and went to sleep. As the sun set we gathered at the rv and relaxed. The winds were still from the north and on the dock they were strong but manageable. By 10:30 I went back aboard, opened the hatch over my bunk and fell asleep under windy and partly cloudy skies.
We’ve had more rain since then and that has continued to beat me. The drier weather seems to be here for the next day or so and I’m trying to take advantage of it.
For now
take care of each other and have a gentle day
quack quack