Reply To: The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True

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I lost track of time this morning. That’s not a bad thing because it meant that I was successfully distracted. However it meant that by the time I got on-line chat was over.
Yesterday I received a picture of the “Russell penguin pin” that I had carved. It is now cast in sterling silver and the enameling is done and the stones set.
Ms. Kitty has been spending her days below in the air conditioning. She comes out with me early in the morning and later in the evening after the day cools down.
Next week is my birthday and time for my six month review of life. Most of the changes have come in relaxing and learning. My carving has opened up new ideas and possibilities in carving and life in general.
If I can see myself being productive and learning new things then life can’t be all bad.
for now have a gentle weekend and take care of each other
quack quack