Reply To: VA taking away opiates from veterans

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Sorry That I haven’t gotten back to anyone sooner. I have been off of pain meds for 1 1/2 years now, not by choice. Mine must have been one of the first VA’s to start this new policy. They also have switched to the mind over matter policy. The VA has tried several methods with me over the years to alleviate my chronic pain. Hypnotherapy, biofeedback, etc. None of them worked and I have a high tolerance to pain meds. I had been going outside the system to a spine specialist for pain meds, but was dropped from that place due to my missing a couple of appointments. I have had to learn to live with the pain because of my high tolerance and now lack of any sort of pain med. My spine is deteriorating due to bulging and herniated discs. I am currently going to physical therapy 1 x per week to ” strengthening my core ” Haven’t noticed improvements but will continue to make the 2-3 hour round trip and see if it will help. Not holding up much hope because I had something pop in my back 2 weeks ago that laid me out flat for a week. I am thinking one of the bulging discs herniated in my lumbar but won’t know til my next round of MRI’s. Will keep updating and let you know if I notice any improvements.

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