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Last week was a busy time. I spoke to my landlord and he is going to put in a repeater so I can have internet access aboard Lonoh. I carved a wax pendant model. It is a whale’s tale and will be cast in silver. I wanted to finish that because the person that wanted it came to visit for a few days. He was able to see and approve the model before I sent it out to be cast. The BIG item for me was finishing the carving of the “Russell PIN”. Including the treasure chest he’s standing on he’s about an inch and a half high. I started the design talks for him 5 months ago so it’s a huge relief to see him done. Now I wait while it’s cast and finished.
There is a new boat on the dock. The couple that own it are friends with several people that are already here and will be a nice fit.
For now I’m worn out with the stress of company and the release of a big job finished
take care of each other and have a gentle day
quack quack