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The weather is warming and winter is loosing her grip. I have ordered an antenna that will hopefully let me sign in from aboard Lonoh. It will be here in a few weeks.
There have been changes on the dock. A new boat with a live aboard came and went. I didn’t even get a chance to growl at him. A boat that was here when I moved in has been sold and after a month of preparations has departed for New Jersey. With 2 slips open we’re all somewhat apprehensive over who might move in. On the good side I have boats all around me so who-ever moves in won’t be right next to me.
The last few weeks have been crazy. First there were a series of storms that left me feeling battered and worn out. The next week brought company to the Lonoh. That turned out to be a long but good week. Late in the week Ms. Kitty and I played host to 5 guests for shrimp dinner. The cabin was crowded but comfortable.
The next week brought a return of the storms and a background cold. This week has been sunny and warm. I’m finally starting to warm up and move about.
more soon
take care of each other and have a gentle day
quack quack