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After several days of rain the weather cleared for Christmas. For the last few days the days have been mild and sunny. Mentally I’m ready to go physically I’m ready for a nap. I took advantage of the sun to do as much washing as I could. I also spread my bedding out on deck to air in the sun. The seven pillows get stuffy jammed in the v-berth and smell much better after the airing.
Christmas was a nice day. I did several loads of wash but also visited with my family by phone. Later in the after noon I went next door for Christmas dinner with my neighbors. Ms. Kitty got a new laser pointer from Santa and has been amusing herself with it. Santa got me a new audio book. I’ve been listening to it. They are a big help in getting me through days when my body needs to be quiet.
There have been some incredibly high tides lately. The full moon and southerly storm winds piled the water up in the bayou. There were several nights the water was level with the dock. The strong winds were holding Lonoh off the dock and that made for a long uphill jump to get aboard. Even worse was jumping down on the dock after dark.
Have a gentle day and take care of each other