Reply To: The Log Book of Lonoh – A Dream Come True

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Things have been busy on the dock and I’ll try to get you all caught up with at least the major things soon. For now I’m here at Ms. Kitty’s orders (some of you now Ms. Kitty from chat and others from her pictures above). Though I don’t want to discredit the caregivers out there, it’s a hard job, to call Ms. Kitty a service animal isn’t fair to her. When I’m on the floor and can’t move for a week she’s there beside me. She may grumble because her litter doesn’t get cleaned in that time but she still uses it. If she doesn’t cook or shop for me it’s only because she’s a cat and that’s not her fault. Any way the point is that Ms. Kitty has decided that as an important member of my household she should have a place to present life from her side. I’m starting a new thread called Ms. Kitty’s World where you can see dock life from her level. With the addition of the mumblings of a hermit will let this thread go back to my log and life day to day.
for now
take care of each other and have a gentle day