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hello, i not sure if any of my attempt went threw for a new topic i tried several times but din’t see the postings, i may need help, i would like to see a new forum on ARD and CAPPS adhesion related disorders, and it’s effects. it’s a n issue that’s been too hush hush too long. i am a suffer’er of about 32-33 years now with eight abdominal surgeries and now left with nerve damage every-where. this put me in a crisis state a few weeks ago, in the doctors office, and if i knew more about ARD andCAPPS i might of been more pre-pared for the breakdowns. i. know i’m not alone out there. there’s many in my shoes, and i’m willing to pull strength from them as well as they can pull it from me. please make sure my topic goes in, thank deep (darlene