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It’s Tuesday afternoon. I’m back at the dock after six days out at anchor. I got back this morning. There was a slight cross wind at the dock so I phoned a dock mate to help handle lines. The slip is tighter due to a new longer boat next to me. She sticks out further into the alley between the docks. I was also towing my new dinghy. In the end the boat handles so easily I didn’t need help. She makes me look good.
Ms. Kitty had a moment of trauma. She was asleep on the narrow part of the deck beside the cockpit when a dolphin surfaced and exhaled about three feet from her. In a flash she was in the cockpit looking back over the rail to see what the heck it was. She really has settled aboard.
I managed to do a little fishing. I rigged a fresh water rod and caught two catfish and a small shark. Small they may be but they still have teeth and need to be handled nicely. With the light rod even they seemed like monsters and was great fun for a morning.
Have a gentle day and take care of each other