
  • Teresa, thank you for your post. If people would follow the logic of what they are saying, I guess they would agree, then, that we should ban alcohol entirely since some people are alcoholics…. and I guess we’ll […]

  • Marina_B commented on the post, Broken Body 11 years, 1 month ago

    Thank you, Teresa. I’m new to this site and will definitely check out the forums and the chats. Thanks as well for the reassurance. I will not let the pain win and fully intend to forge ahead… The landscape of […]

  • Marina_B commented on the post, Broken Body 11 years, 1 month ago


    Thank you for this eloquent statement about how the pain conditions you suffer from have altered your life. (And your understanding or expectations of life.)

    I felt my life came to a screeching […]

  • Marina_B changed their profile picture 11 years, 1 month ago