
  • Thank for the well wishes on my upcoming procedure. Made it through this far with the other two and both have gone fairly well and I so admire the device rep I specifically worked with. Know I am in good hands. And in good company here. Sorry couldn’t make this morning’s chat as the chatter in my own head precluded me from remembering. More…[Read more]

  • I’ve personally found writing six word memoirs on sixwordmemoirs.com and arts and crafts such as designing book marks, adult coloring pages, and making dream catchers today and yesterday to be a true distraction to intense pain. Hard to believe it really works and it does. More power to distraction as a useful coping tool.

    Keep sharing ideas.…[Read more]

  • Hi, I know, tacky title, but as a former high school color guard captain, I can tell you, I wished it wouldn’t rain on my parade. Marching in wet socks and heavy boots is not a lot of fun while trying to finger the Star Spangled Banner on a piccolo.

    I like to joke, laugh, tease, and my all-time favorite is to write and design puns. I…[Read more]