
  • posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    Is this a pain support group

    • ckenpo1: we provide online support to all members through chat room interaction, discussion forums and blogs. You can ask questions here like you do using Facebook, for example, yet remain anonymous—this is a private and safe place

    • Hello Ckenpo1,
      It is nice to meet you. Yes this is a pain support group. We have the discussion forums that you can use for support and we also have a hosted chat on Monday-Wednesday-Friday at 11am eastern time.

      You can go to the discussion forums and comment on topics already started or you can start a new one and folks will respond. If I can help you in any way just let me know.

      TPC YaYa
      TPC Community Moderator

    • Hi Ckenpo1,
      It is a pleasure to meet you. TPC is so full of support that it is my second home & family. Hop on over to the discussion forums and find a topic that fits your needs or like TPC YaYa mentioned, make a new one and I promise I will be there to support you.
      Take care