
  • mschipske posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago

    wanting to find out if anyone else has COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis and fibromyalgia , that are having problems staying well long enough to go back on their RA meds. My pain has returned and its more severe than ever. I cannot take any motrin, aspirin because I had three bleeding ulcers from taking to much of it for the pain in my joints and all over. 8 yrs later I found out it was because of the RA and Fibromyalgia. I was seeing my doctor and no ever thought to do that one blood test that could have kept me from all the suffering ive gone through all these years. I was told it was tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, pulled muscles , carrying to many grocery bags in at one time. Then 8yrs later I was in the ER crying from the pain and its severity and the one doctor I will never forget , recognized it on the spot and did one blood test and it was positive for RA . The problem is now that it has damaged me and caused my COPD to go from stage 1 to stage 3 . I will tell you I did quit smoking the following week 19yrs ago because I wanted to live. I have lived in a smoke free environment as well. I really need some help on getting well and staying well.

    • Well bless that ER physician!! My brother lives with a form of RA without the fibro/COPD on top of it. He started to improve one he was able to start the biologics. Have they talked about giving you a trial on Embrel or Humira?

      I am so proud that you kicked nicotine—that is a HUGE accomplishment!! What other things have you tried that is not medication based? For example, I was able to coax my brother into helping me walk my 3 dogs around this time last year. It took alot of encouragement and he was quite the slow poke for the first few weeks. He does not walk every day either even if the weather is nice; but I can get him out at least 3 times a week. I about fell on the ground when he told me just 2 days ago that he has noticed that his sciatica is better (which I never knew he had) and he is feeling better when we walk. He only walks about 15 minutes (once around our neighborhood, but I have seen his balance, strength and stamina improve. Walking is easy to do and you can start short distances and build up over time—no rush. It may help your fibro too.