How has the current Covid-19 pandemic impacted you? Are you aged 18 years or older? Please tell us in this anonymous 5-20 minute (depends on the length of your answers)!
Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital are interested in gathering information on how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted those with chronic pain, substance use disorders, and/or mental illnesses, as well as healthy individuals. This information can help us understand how this unprecedented global situation has impacted each and every one of us, especially those suffering from chronic health conditions and limited access to healthcare or medication.
This questionnaire will take you about twenty minutes or less to complete, depending on the length of your answers.
If are over 18 years old, you are eligible to participate in our important survey about Covid-19! Those with chronic pain conditions, substance use disorder, and/or mental illnesses will be asked more questions than otherwise healthy individuals.
This research is being conducted by Dr. Scott Holmes, Dr. Christine Sieberg, and Dr. David Borsook at Boston Children’s Hospital. For more information or any questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Holmes at or Joud Mar’i (Project Coordinator) at
Survey Link: