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Now in time for the holidays here is one of my most favorite sweet potato recipes. They made this at the local hospital where I used to work. I adjusted it to serve 10 doctored it up a tad, so will indicate that by listing the ingredients as optional. Enjoy.

Sweet Potato Casserole

Preheat Over to 350 degrees


6-7 medium to large sweet potatoes (aka jams)
1/3 c sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 c milk
1/3 c butter (or margarine)
1/2 Tb Amaretto (opt)


1/4 c brown sugar
1/3 c pecans, chopped
2 Tb flour
2 1/2 Tb (1/2 stick) butter (or margarine), melted
1 Tb Kahlua (opt)

Boil sweet potatoes until done (test with fork, should enter easy)
Combine cooked potatoes with remaining filling ingredients into a large bowl. Beat with mixer at medium speed or by hand using a masher until blended.
Transfer into a greased (spray, oil, crisco or butter) casserole dish. Press into dish so that about 1 inch space is left at the top.

Combine topping ingredients in a separate bowl. I food process the dry ingredients first then add them to the bowl followed by the melted butter. Mix so the topping is crumbly. Add to the top of the filling.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, covered except for the last 10 minutes to allow for browning.

Let rest 10 min before serving and then dig in! My friends and relatives love this version. It goes well with the holiday turkey dinner.