Reply To: Painiac Shuffle, Move & More

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I am thinking that walking is the easiest for most of us to do. You can do it anytime, anywhere, at your own pace, only need a good pair of tennis shoes and you are off. If you need a walking stick, cane or walker—decorate it and strut your stuff!! Walk your dog, grab your partner, a good friend or a neighbor–then go. You may only walk out to the road at first, but each day you will go farther and feel stronger. If you start now, when the weather is not so severe, it makes it much easier to get into the “groove”. I like to walk in the evening around dusk, so not too hot…….I am not a morning person. Others might like to get it out of the way first thing. Some phone apps are promoting 10,000 steps as a goal—which is ambitious but attainable as long as you do not beat yourself up to get there. Check out Fitbit or Argus.