Reply To: Former Wallflower Looking for New Friends

Home Page Forums Welcome to The Pain Community Former Wallflower Looking for New Friends Reply To: Former Wallflower Looking for New Friends


Hi Stevie,

We are so happy to hear that you had a wonderful trip.

As you may know the main Pain Topics website has closed, but the blog is still up and you can find it at,
Dr. Leavitt will continue to update the blog periodically.

Dr. Leavitt chose The Pain Community to keep the wonderful Pain Topic resources available.
We have started by adding the PDF resources from Pain Topics and you can find them on our Resource page. It is an on-going process to continue adding more resources that were formerly on Pain Topics here on the TPC website. Please check back often and help spread the word that Pain Topic resources can be found here at TPC.

We currently have around 424 people registered for forums and chats and around 750 registered for the newsletter.

I have posted this reply here under your personal status update and have also posted on the discussion forums where you first made your introduction post on the “Welcome to The Pain Community” forum.
We can continue to communicate at the location you chose or both locations.

We do understand that the hosted chats are early on the West Coast. We do hope that you will be able to join us when you can.


The views or opinion(s) contained herein do not necessarily represent those of The Pain Community.