Reply To: Hi everyone

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Hi Ryan,

It is nice to meet you. We all need at least one person who we can be totally honest with when discussing our journey’s of pain.

I have been living with pain for 30 years so I get it. I also understand where you are coming from regarding Zoom meet-ups. It can be hard to stop the tears when we are talking about the pain and all that goes with it.

I would like to share with you a couple other options that may work for you.

The Pain Community has a hosted phone support group who meets every Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM. It is a great way to get and give support. Also it is totally okay if you get emotional on the calls, we have all been there and find ourselves sometimes just needing to cry and let it out with others who do understand. Here is the info for the support call and I do hope you will think about giving it a try. It is a small group who attends and there is never any pressure to share more than what you want too.

When: Every Tuesday: 7:00 pm ET

Call in number: 267-807-9601 Passcode: 491-268-096 and press the # key.

The TPC Outreach Support Conference calls are FREE, but please check your long distance calling plan to see if any standard long distance rates apply.

We also partner with a great support group on Facebook, it is a great place to meet and talk to others who really get what a life with pain is all about. It is called, “Friends In Pain” and it is a private group so once you join the only people who can see what you share are other members. Here is the link for you,
If you have any questions about the Friends In Pain group you can send an email to,

I do hope you will find the forums here helpful and the other options that I have shared. If you have any questions about these groups or if you would like to set up a one on one call, to ask questions about these support options, you can email me at,

Take Care,

TPC Community Moderator

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