Thank You!

On behalf of the board and project team of The Pain Community (TPC), we would like to extend our appreciation of your willingness to support this important organization. TPC’s mission is to build and strengthen an active and energized community of people affected by pain by providing a foundation of support where education, wellness information and advocacy are promoted.

If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to register for a free membership and participate in our forums and chats.

Recent Blogs

TPC Outreach Support Conference Calls – 2023

TPC Outreach Support Conference Calls – 2023

Come Join Us! Connect with Others Who Understand! Do you feel the need to talk (not type!) and share with others who really understand what it’s like living with chronic pain? If so, The Pain Community invites you to participate in our “TPC Outreach Support Conference...

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Gun Violence and PTSD

Gun Violence and PTSD

by Shalinie Dowlatram Gun violence leaves a variety of scars. Individuals who experience gun violence are often left with long-term adverse health outcomes such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD1 is a mental health...

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