
  • shbae45 posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago

    Dear Micke:

    Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions. I will try to join the chat room though it is 1AM-2AM at local time here.

    But in the case castor oil, I’m a bit hesitant to use it because I heard the oil has a unique smell and as you understand I am vulnerable to almost all kinds of smell.(I will have to apply the oil into the…[Read more]

  • Dear Micke :

    Thank you so much for your opinion and information. I feel happy with your post and feel relieved with your comment that “it does not sound far fetched either.” I have sent out my story to many institutions including American Pain Society, but their response was no reply or stating reason of objection to circulate my story; their…[Read more]

    • Please do keep in touch. Why don’t you join our chat room and talk with the others who have experience pain over the years. They may have some insight. We are there every M, W, F from 11am-12pm ET. Have you met with a pain specialist who understands neuropathic pain? I also wonder if using castor oil may help. See…[Read more]

      • Dear Micke:

        Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions. I will try to join the chat room though it is 1AM-2AM at local time here.

        But in the case castor oil, I’m a bit hesitant to use it because I heard the oil has a unique smell and as you understand I am vulnerable to almost all kinds of smell.(I will have to apply the oil into the…[Read more]

  • A patient with severe chronic neuropathic pain in the nose after ENT operations with unique causes of pain aggravation (like cigarette smoke, hot steam, or various smells) requests your keen interest!

    It would be highly appreciated if you tell me whether you have experienced or heard of the same or any similar case to mine as the following. If…[Read more]