
  • Ray Ray posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago

    is anybody finding that Anxiety is getting worse the longer the pain stay’s I have developed issues with Anxiety and have done some research on this subject and it seems FM , and A.S and chronic pain go hand in hand , i just dont know what to do anymore all of these conditions and issues that come with it is just over the top i am so tired of having 0 quality of life , it just never stops im just tired man ….. but we should count ourselves fortunate there are many people with way worse conditions and things so I am great full is it wrong of me to feel like i do i mean it could have been worse right , so does that mean I must take a shut up and be thank full or am I also allowed to be tired and not want to live this awesome isolated life of mine am I the only one having Anxiety issues would like to hear from you and how do i not go insane im in constant pain now i must worry about my next Anxiety attack and if you think any one of my co workers give a crap you wrong they just sit back and judge away nice hey