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Recent Blog Posts
Another Reason to Stop: Smoking and Its Links to Chronic Pain
It's common knowledge that smoking is detrimental to our health. From cardiovascular diseases to respiratory disorders, the list of smoking-related illnesses is extensive. However, there is another compelling reason to kick the habit: smoking has been found to worsen...
Is There a Pain Management Diet?
Scientist have long known that bacteria in the intestines, also known as the microbiome or microbiota, perform a variety of useful functions for their hosts, such as breaking down dietary fiber in the digestive process and making vitamins K and B7.1 The gut microbiota...
I just want a good night’s sleep
Good grief. I just want a good night's sleep. So yesterday, I got these foot pads from Amazon that are supposed to help you sleep. Now, imagine this picture: I have these pads stuck on my feet. I have my appliance stuck in my mouth to protect my teeth when I grind...
Perspective of a Person Living With Chronic Pain
By Karla Donovan As I sat in the waiting room of my doctor’s office, I tensed and worried if I would I be heard, understood and believed that I needed help managing my pain. Would I be labeled as a drug seeker? Would the doctor understand that I tried many different...